22 September, 2008

The Senate is "Out of Order!"

I was watching the news earlier while having dinner when I heard something that made me snap my head towards the direction of our television.

The news was about Cayetano & Lacson's infamous spat with regard to Pro-Villar Senators trying to block Lacson's speech. The moment Cayetano finished speaking, someone bellowed that Cayetano should not be listened to because "THE SENATOR IS OUT OF ORDER!"

What?! OUT OF ORDER? I was concentrating on my meal that I wasn't able to see who among the senators said this. When I riveted my attention to the TV screen, it only showed Cayetano in a podium.

I tried digesting the out of order bellow but I really couldn't make sense of it. I snorted laughing. I was amused to no end.

OUT OF ORDER?! What is he? A rest room that goes out of order? Or a machine? A photocopier, perhaps?

Geez. The endless bickering in the Senate can be appalling. Maybe it is the Senate that is OUT OF ORDER, huh.

No wonder this country is going down the drain.


  1. funny post. it inspired me to write a similar experience but with a different subject matter in http://carnationzky.wordpress.com. cheers.

  2. Hey you, so today is your birthday? Happy birthday! I hope you have an awesome day! doing anything cool? I'm gonna be 26 on nov. 11.

  3. @ carnation
    thanks for dropping by. i visited the link you gave me and posted my comment there.

    see you around. :)

  4. @ j
    yup, today is my 25th birthday. thanks for the greetings.

    i'm on birthday leave so i'll spend the day treating myself out. celebration with loved ones will be in the weekend as they have work now.

    as of the moment though, i'm being bombarded with phone, SMS and email greetings. :)
