02 August, 2012

Amuma Spa Experience

After swimming, I was finally off to experience my much-anticipated massage.

Its Amuma spa tariff and the spa essentials displayed in the lobby when we arrived were what convinced me to have a massage.  Those and the fact that the past months were such a busy season for us that my backache felt worse. 

It was also in the lobby that I booked for Hilot Lamang that according to their tariff is a massage only variant of their signature Amuma Hilot.  To expound, it says Hilot Lamang involves long flowing strokes and techniques to relax tense or spastic muscles.  It is a treatment that increases the joints' range of motion, soothes the nervous system and reduces swelling and helps eliminates toxins from the tissues.

My massage was done in this gazebo overlooking the sea.

My therapist was Elnisa who had been a therapist for about two years and considered a senior one that she would sometimes oversee the training of others.  She was friendly and chatty and from her, I learned that a former colleague had overseen the resort's operations months ago and is now handling one of Bluewater's resorts.  She was very chatty that I found out who among our celebrities had stayed there.

My Verdict
While my massage indeed relaxed me, I couldn't help but compare it to how we do our massage in Plantation Bay.  Elnisa was okay but she did not ask me questions on how my massage was going e.g. is the pressure right?  Such a question usually forms part of the experience as it guides the therapist on how she is doing and if the guest is comfortable.

Another downside was that since the massage was done in the open, though the view was scenic, it could get uncomfortable every time other guests passed by as some would glance at us.  

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